OES Approach
The integration of the OES Amplified Wave Energy Conversion Systems (AWECS) into various applications will enable many applications to reduce their dependence on combustion based energy sources.
It is the balance of limited environmental impact and output of work that is the focus of optimization of the articulating barges to produce potable water. OES Augmentations to the McCabe Wave Pump provide OES AWECs integration results that will benefit various end users.
The OES solution, integration of its AWECS with reverse osmosis technology will enable coastal communities to generate quality drinking water. The challenge is to get the operational utilization of this pump so that there is a track record being developed to persuade the better realization that harnessing existing ecosystem energy is a sustainable alternative rather than the current practice of depleting a finite combustion inventory.
Steps in the OES integration are as follows:
- The first integration step was to assemble the appropriate technical solution.
- The second was to assemble leadership with technical and operational expertise.
- The third step was to validate the subsystems independently, that is completed.
- The fourth step is to build the prototype, that is underway.
- The fifth step is to obtain deployment permits, which are underway.
- The sixth step is to assess the performance in real world applications.
- The seventh step will be to utilize the feedback from the system deployment and improve the system performance.